In this machine learning cast study, we describe how cloud analytics technology is being applied to the Global Hive Network, an initiative to collect billions of individual data points from around the world and analyze them to understand the honeybee population’s overall health and its relationship with environments, weather patterns, forage, diseases, parasites, predator species, and pesticides.
Healthy Hives: Cloud Analytics Helps Save the World’s Bee Population
Designing a High Performance Lustre Storage System: A Case Study
Intel’s White Paper, “Architecting a High-Performance Storage System,” shows you the step-by-step process in the design of a Lustre file system. It is available for download at insideAI News White Paper Library. “Although a good system is well-balanced, designing it is not straight forward. Fitting components together and making the adjustments needed for peak performance is challenging. The process begins with a requirement analysis followed by a design structure (a common structure was selected for the paper) and component choices.”