Big Data Humor: What IT Really Thinks About GDPR!

In light of today’s compliance deadline for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), our friends over at cloud strategy company Evolve IP provided this humorous quip about what IT really thinks!

WSO2 Deep Huge Project Predicts 99.4% Chance of Presidential Win for Donald Trump if Arnold Schwarzenegger Joins Ticket as VP Candidate

Artificial Intelligence has evolved exponentially over the years—from Deep Blue beating Gary Kasparov in chess to DeepMind mastering Go. Now with the Deep Huge predictive analytics system, WSO2 takes on America’s national pastime, the 2016 presidential election.

Big Data Humor: Do You Have a Hiring Advantage?

Only a data scientist can predict the unpredictable!   Download the insideAI News Guide to Scientific Research

Big Data Humor: Hiring a Data Scientist

A new twist for hiring that highly sought after Unicorn, you mean they have to be ethical too?

Big Data Humor: A Little Game for the Data Scientists

Who knew! Data scientists now have a little game. We’ve been waiting a long time for this!

Big Data Humor: The Fat Jewish is Big Data featuring Todrick as Hadoop

Our friend Big Data a.k.a The Fat Jewish and his partner in knowledge Todrick Hall share some wisdom for what your customers really need. Check them out as they drop massive analytical intelligence in this newly released rap video.

Big Data Humor: A Mother’s Day Plot

As a salute to Mother’s Day this past Sunday, we’d like to offer a nice EDA plot that all budding data scientist’s can identify with! Sign up for the free insideAI News newsletter.

Big Data Humor: One Order of Magic Please

That’s the problem with being a data scientist, people want you to “work your magic” … whatever that means! Sign up for the free insideAI News newsletter.

Big Data Humor: Statistically Speaking

How charitable, keeping others safe through statistics. It’s good to not be mean!     Sign up for the free insideAI News newsletter.

Big Data Humor: The Principal Principle

If only our business leaders would listen to the Data Science!