SQL Engine Leads the Heard

White Papers > SQL Engine Leads the Heard

In an independently audited benchmark of three popular SQL on Hadoop® implementations, IBM showed that Hadoop is ready to run OLAP and complex query workloads at a fraction of the cost of traditional systems – that is, if you choose the right technology.

With so many vendors making claims about the performance and compatibility of SQL-on-Hadoop, IBM decided to put leading distributions to the test, conducting the first ever Hadoop-DS benchmark. The test compared IBM’s Big SQL with Cloudera’s ImpalaTM and Hortonworks® HiveTM 0.13.

Hadoop-DS is a Hadoop Decision Support benchmark developed by IBM modeled after the highly regarded Transaction Processing Council Decision Support (TPC-DSTM) benchmark. To help make the process fair, IBM established three competing teams running each Hadoop distribution on identical hardware configurations. IBM engaged the services of an independent TPC professional to audit and help document the result.

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