Video Highlights: What is Streaming Data Integration?

In this “Whiteboard Wednesday” video, Steve Wilkes, founder and CTO of Striim, takes a look at Streaming Data Integration – what it is, what it is used for, and most importantly, what is needed set it up and manage it.

Streaming Cloud Integration: Key Data Considerations for Hybrid and Multicloud Architectures

This new white paper from Striim, “Streaming Cloud Integration: Key Data Considerations for Hybrid and Multicloud Architectures,” is a timely guide for enterprise decision makers who have accepted the benefits of moving to the cloud: elastic scalability, agility to launch innovative solutions quickly using modern technologies, better cash flow management, and lower expenses with a pay-as-you-go model, just to name a few.

Furnace Serverless Apps Run Across Azure, GCP & AWS Natively, Scale Massively

Furnace Ignite Ltd announced that Furnace, the recently launched open source, Serverless, data streaming platform, now runs natively on Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform, adding to the previously announced Amazon Web Services (AWS). Furnace helps organizations address their ‘Big Data’ challenges, using Serverless architecture across multiple Cloud platforms to easily leverage data from multiple sources, breaking through “Cloud vendor lock-in” impedances.

Apache Pulsar 2.0 Brings Enterprise-Class Scale, Speed and Functionality to Streaming Data Processing

Streamlio, the intelligent platform for fast data, announced availability of Apache Pulsar 2.0, a significant new release of the streaming messaging solution at the core of the Streamlio platform. Building on the proven Apache Pulsar foundation, this release adds new capabilities to Apache Pulsar that support easy development and deployment of modern data-driven applications.

Apache Spark 2.0: A Deep Dive Into Structured Streaming

In this talk, Tathagata Das takes a deep dive into the concepts and the API and show how this simplifies building complex “Continuous Applications”. Tathagata is an Apache Spark Committer and a member of the PMC. He’s the lead developer behind Spark Streaming, and is currently employed at Databricks.

Developing a Deeper Understanding of Apache Kafka Architecture Part 2: Write and Read Scalability

In this contributed article, Paul Brebner, Tech Evangelist at Instaclustr provides Part 2 of his two-part series on Apache Kafka. In Par 1 we gained an understanding of the main Kafka components and how Kafka consumers work. Now, we’ll see how these contribute to the ability of Kafka to provide extreme scalability for streaming write and read workloads.

Developing a Deeper Understanding of Apache Kafka Architecture

In this contributed article, Paul Brebner, Tech Evangelist at Instaclustr provides an understanding of the main Kafka components and how Kafka consumers work. The Apache Kafka distributed streaming platform features an architecture that – ironically, given the name – provides application messaging that is markedly clearer and less Kafkaesque when compared with alternatives.

Slidecast: Striim – Streaming Integration with Intelligence

Coming to you from our popular “Rich Report Podcast” channel, we offer a new slidecast with Steve Wilkes, Co-founder and CTO at Striim presenting: Striim – Streaming Integration with Intelligence. Striim recently announced the launch of version 3.8 of the Striim platform, with 47 new and enhanced capabilities.

Stream Sees Increase in Globally Deployed Enterprise Applications, Garnering Launch of Stream 2.0

Stream, a leading feed and activity stream platform for developers and product leaders, announced the next generation of its API, allowing organizations to build highly performant newsfeeds. This enhancement further strengthens Stream’s mission to deliver reliable, scalable and modern feed technology to its customers.

Keen IO Adds Real-Time Data Streaming to Google BigQuery Enterprise Data Warehouses

Keen IO, the data analytics platform company, announced it has been named a Google Cloud Platform Technology Partner and the availability of a new real-time event data streaming service for Google BigQuery. Keen IO Stream to BigQuery enables organizations to stream and enrich data from any source to BigQuery data warehouses for enhanced analytics and business intelligence applications.