Machine Learning Basics: An Illustrated Guide for Non-Technical Readers

White Papers > Machine Learning > Machine Learning Basics: An Illustrated Guide for Non-Technical Readers
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A new guide from Dataiku covers machine learning basics. According to Google Trends, interest in the term machine learning (ML) has increased over 300 percent since Dataiku was founded in 2013. We’ve watched ML go from the the realm of a relatively small number of data scientists to the mainstream of analysis and business.

We’ve decided to make this guide because we’ve noticed that there aren’t too many resources out there that answer the question, “What is machine learning?” while using a minimum of technical terms. Actually, the basic concepts of machine learning aren’t very difficult to grasp when they’re explained simply.

In this guidebook, we’ll start with some definitions and then move on to explain some of the most common algorithms used in machine learning today, such as linear regression and tree-based models. Then we’ll dive a bit deeper into how we go about deciding how to evaluate and fine-tune these models. Next, we’ll take a look at clustering models, and then we’ll finish with some resources that you can explore if you want to learn more.

Download the full report to discover machine learning basics, why the field is growing and what it can potentially do for your business.


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