Jaspersoft and Talend Partner to Provide Big Data Reporting and Analysis

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jaspersoftJaspersoft, the Intelligence Inside applications and business processes, and Talend, the global big data integration software leader, today announced the launch of Jaspersoft Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) Expanded Big Data Edition. Powered by Talend, the Jaspersoft ETL Expanded Big Data Edition rounds out Jaspersoft’s suite of access technologies for Big Data sources, which now address virtually all reporting and analysis use cases.

Based on Talend’s award-winning Big Data integration technology, Jaspersoft ETL Expanded Big Data Edition joins Jaspersoft’s existing native and data federation connectors for Big Data to provide additional scalability, flexibility and improved resource management. Talend natively supports virtually all major Big Data platforms including Amazon EMR, Apache Hadoop (HBase, HDFS, and Hive), Cassandra, Cloudera, Couchbase, CouchDB, Google BigQuery, Greenplum/Pivotal HD, Hortonworks Data Platform, IBM PureData System for Hadoop, MapR, MongoDB, Neo4J, Riak, SAP HANA, Teradata, and Vertica. Further, Big Data Edition includes high availability and load balancing features to provide high reliability and performance for mission critical reporting and analysis needs.

Jaspersoft ETL extends Jaspersoft’s reporting and analytics leadership in Big Data,” said Jim Bell, CMO at Jaspersoft. “It allows our customers’ business requirements to dictate how they access big data for visualization, reporting and analytics rather than having to conform to a vendor’s capabilities. With our native, data federation, and ETL connectors, customers now have a full range of choices to seamlessly incorporate Big Data into their information systems.”

talendJaspersoft enables customers to easily transform their Big Data into more flexible database structures for advanced reporting and analytics. This reduces the burden on production systems and provides a scalable, intuitive way to blend Big Data with traditional data sources. For other types of use cases, Jaspersoft native connectors to Big Data leverage all of the underlying data source functionality, such as geospatial functions. Alternatively, Jaspersoft data federation enables real-time blending of data from Big Data and other data sources without moving the data. Unlike other vendors, Jaspersoft offers this full spectrum of techniques to encompass all typical Big Data reporting and analysis use cases.

Jaspersoft ETL Extended Big Data Edition offers industry-leading capabilities for customers who can now combine all of their Big Data and traditional data sources with enterprise-grade performance and reliability,” said Fabrice Bonan, Chief Product Officer at Talend. “Talend has been partnering with Jaspersoft for several years and is excited to now team with Jaspersoft to provide high value to Big Data customers.”


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