Keeping Pace: How Data Disconnects are Causing Large Financial Institutions to Lag their Competitors

White Papers > Big Data > Keeping Pace: How Data Disconnects are Causing Large Financial Institutions to Lag their Competitors

This eBook reports on the results of the survey sponsored by Tamr, the data mastering company, on the state of data and digital transformation in financial services.

Despite universal advanced or expert data management expertise in large U.S. financial institutions, more than a third (thirty-five percent) who are pursuing digital transformations with less-than-anticipated impact are not expecting results for three to five years. Further, nearly half of survey respondents say they can’t keep up with competitors nor service customers in an optimal way, according to the new survey on the state of data and digital transformation.

Tamr conducted the survey of 300 C-suite executives in United States financial institutions with revenue of $1 billion or greater.

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