Video Highlights: What is Streaming Data Integration?

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Like all enterprises, you have a lot of data sources that generate data – databases, machine logs, or other files that are being produced in your systems. You may also have messaging systems sensors or IoT sensors generating data. This data, generated all of the time, may not be in the format you need it or where you need it. This limits your ability to get value from it or make decision using it.

In terms of moving it somewhere else, maybe you want to put it into cloud storage or other types of storage. Maybe you want to put it into different databases or different data warehouses. Maybe want to put it onto messaging systems to build applications for analytics and reporting that will enable analysts, data scientists, decision makers, and your customers can get value out of it. Streaming data integration is about being able to collect data in real time from the systems that are generating it, and moving it to where it needs to be to get value out of it.

In this “Whiteboard Wednesday” video, Steve Wilkes, founder and CTO of Striim, takes a look at Streaming Data Integration – what it is, what it is used for, and most importantly, what is needed set it up and manage it. Watch the 10-minute video:

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  1. Hello there, very interesting and informative article….. Thanks for sharing!!