This Introduction to SPARK webinar will feature Daniel Gutierrez, Managing Editor of insideAI News.
In the past year, the Apache Spark distributed computing architecture has continued its upward trajectory amongst the big data players. Its growth has been fueled by several innovative differentiators for big data applications, such as MapReduce 2.0 (or YARN), provisions for analytic workflows, and efficient use of memory. Databricks’ recent 2015 Spark industry survey reports that Spark adoption is outpacing Hadoop because of its accelerated access to big data. In support of this new computing architecture, TIBCO is hosting a webinar to discuss one of the most popular components of Spark: Spark SQL.
The webinar panel will focus on:
- An overview of Spark
- Why Spark is so hot
- Looking at Spark through a Hadoop lens
- Spark SQL
- The TIBCO–Spark connection
Click HERE to take in the webinar event recorded on November 17, 2015
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