Finding a solution for AI in Healthcare

Dell EMC Ready Solutions for AI are integrated systems with validated hardware and software stacks optimized to accelerate AI initiatives, shortening the time to architect a new solution by six to twelve months. A new insideAI News special report series explores the intersection of AI and medicine, and this entry provides a series of solutions for AI in healthcare, including Dell EMC Ready Solutions for AI.

AI in Medicine: Developments in Radiology, Genomics & Diagnostics

Next-generation radiology tools may remove the need for tissue sampling and greatly expand the area of delivery. And the translational Genomics Research Institute’s (TGen) Center for Rare Childhood Disorders is using machine learning for genetic sequencing. Part of an insideAI News special report series on AI and healthcare, this entry highlights some of the latest developments in AI in medicine, including progress in radiology, genomics and diagnostics.

Impressive Healthcare AI results for Vision Research & Cancer Treatment

This post explores the latest research and AI innovation in vision research and cancer treatment. Learn more about CSIRO’s bionic vision research, powered by the Dell EMC PowerEdge servers. And find out how Gustave Roussy, a leading European center for cancer treatment, sought to increase the processing capabilities of its bioinformatics platform to support more genome analyses per day while enhancing research programs, via a new insideAI News special report.

Exploring the Application of AI Within Healthcare

AI is already having a profound impact on patient care. Machine learning and deep learning build the fundamentals to an AI system, and by taking a holistic approach to the data being generated within healthcare, AI-enabled systems can help to assess risk and facilitate improved human decision making. This insideAI News special report article delves into the application of AI within healthcare, as well as the impact and challenges of these new tools. 

Choosing the Right Data Catalog for Your Business

The decision to invest in and launch a data catalog is a big one for today’s businesses, but one that more and more companies are making in light of the continued growth and expansion of big data. In fact, the self-service data analytic journey often first begins with a data catalog. Unifi Software explores how to choose whether a data catalog is right for your business and key considerations when deciding on a solution.

Use Case Highlights Potential Value & Benefits of Data Cataloging

The value and benefits of a data catalog are often described as the ability for analysts to find the data they need quickly and efficiently. Data cataloging accelerates analysis by minimizing the time and effort that analysts spend finding and preparing data. A new report from Unifi Software offers a fresh perspective on data cataloging and offers an analysis use case that illustrates ROI for implementing a data catalog.

Combining the Benefits of Commercial & Open Analytics

A new e-book explores how organizations in many industries are using open source analytics and SAS, getting the most from both, and what role SAS plays throughout the analytics life cycle.

Improve Your Business with Modern Analytics Infrastructure

A new report from SAS explores how a modern analytics infrastructure and IT department can help you increase productivity, maintain the highest data quality through a standard data governance model, and make critical decisions faster and with more confidence.

Exploring the Convergence of AI, Data and HPC

The demand for performant and scalable AI solutions has stimulated a convergence of science, algorithm development, and affordable technologies to create a software ecosystem designed to support the data scientist. A special insideHPC report explores how HPC and the data driven AI communities are converging as they are arguably running the same types of data and compute intensive workloads on HPC hardware, be it on a leadership class supercomputer, small institutional cluster, or in the cloud.

Best Practices Report: The Power of Operationalized Analytics

The pace of business continues to increase. And the power of big data and analytics is growing. But it’s not enough to just analyze this data anymore. According to a new TDWI Best Practices Report, sponsored by SAS, businesses also need to take action on this data. Read on to find out how businesses can better operationalize their analytics and derive value from their data.