Combining High and Low-Code to Deliver Impactful Predictive Analytics

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In this white paper, “Combining High and Low-Code to Deliver Impactful Predictive Analytics,” we will explore how GlobalTranz leveraged its inherent technology skills  along with technology partnerships including Microsoft and West Monroe, a national business  and technology consulting firm, to effectively insert a user interface (UI) facilitating  human oversight of machine generated predictive pricing through a creative and resource- efficient use of both high and low-code approaches.

GlobalTranz has been leveraging a Cost Prediction Model (CPM), which uses a dynamic  pricing API to deliver real-time rates on Truckload shipments from any origin to any  destination across North America, for a number of years. The CPM predicts lane-level costs  based on a wide variety of factors including historical costs and current market conditions. A  key component of GlobalTranz’s digital freight matching capabilities, the CPM ensures that  the company maximizes supply chain efficiency for customers by securing freight at the  optimal price with optimal service.

The white paper includes the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Building the Cost Prediction Model
  • What is Low-Code?
  • Taking the Low-Code Route to Develop a UI
  • Leveraging the Power Platform
  • Conclusion

Download the report HERE.

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