Comments on: Beyond Volume, Variety and Velocity is the Issue of Big Data Veracity Illuminating AI's Frontiers: Your Go-To News Destination. Fri, 19 Jul 2019 15:13:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: jas Fri, 15 Mar 2019 05:14:18 +0000 what are impacts of data volatility on the use of database for data analysis?

By: Martin Jespersgaard Sat, 07 May 2016 08:35:18 +0000 Hello Doug

I the article you point to, you wrote in the comments about an article you where doing where you would add 12 V’s. Did you ever write it and is it possible to read it?
From reading your comments on this article it seems to me that you maybe have abandon the ideas of adding more V’s?

regards Martin

By: tanvir Fri, 11 Dec 2015 15:07:37 +0000 excellent article to help me out understand about big data V.

By: Doug Laney Mon, 16 Sep 2013 12:32:46 +0000 Glad to see others in the industry finally catching on to the phenomenon of the “3Vs” that I first wrote about at Gartner over 12 years ago. For proper citation, here’s a link to my original piece: Other have cleverly(?) added other “Vs” but fail to recognize that while they may be important characteristics of all data, they ARE NOT definitional characteristics of big data. Adding them to the mix, as Seth Grimes recently pointed out in his piece on “Wanna Vs” is just adds to the confusion. –Doug Laney, VP Research, Gartner, @doug_laney

By: Seth Grimes Thu, 12 Sep 2013 21:37:14 +0000 Validity and volatility are no more appropriate as Big Data Vs than veracity is. See my InformationWeek debunking, Big Data: Avoid ‘Wanna V’ Confusion,

By: Doug Laney Thu, 12 Sep 2013 20:45:08 +0000 Gartner’s 3Vs are 12+yo. My orig piece: Welcome to the party. However clever(?) additional Vs are, they are not definitional, only confusing. See Seth Grimes piece on how “Wanna Vs” are being irresponsible attributing additional supposed defining characteristics to Big Data:

Let’s deal with each:

Veracity: is inversely related to “bigness”. IBM added it (it seems) to avoid citing Gartner. ???

Validity: also inversely related to “bigness”. So can’t be a defining characteristic.

Volatility: a characteristic of any data. No specific relation to Big Data.

Yes they’re all important qualities of ALL data, but don’t let articles like this confuse you into thinking you have Big Data only if you have any other “Vs” people have suggested beyond volume, velocity and variety.

–Doug Laney, VP Research, Gartner, @doug_laney
