Video Highlights: Machine Learning for Seeing and Hearing More

With COVID-19 keeping everyone indoors, this is the perfect opportunity to brush up your data science skills. Data science is a field that is booming and is playing a huge role in society. Instead of just reading a book, in this regular feature column, I will provide some great video learning resources. You can follow these YouTubers and gain insights and advice from their years of experience in the field. Plus you can learn how to code by following through their tutorials and pick up a new skill. So, fire up YouTube below and start learning!

Lowering the Barrier to Entry for Cloud Computing is the Key to Scientific Discovery

In this special guest feature, Ivan Ravlich, Co-Founder and CEO of Hypernet Labs, points out how the cloud industry needs to offer more accessible options to scientists and researchers who need to process large amounts of data. Containerizing scientific applications is a major step forward.

Models for Thinking: An Example of Why Data Sciences Increasingly Need the Humanities

Parsing such large-scale data sets – classifying genomic sequences, mapping forms of advertisement, observing online discussions, etc. – is a matter of organization: How do you make sense of, and classify, these clusters of information? The answer, often, is to configure them into abstract but coherent topics.

AI for Legalese

Have you ever signed a lengthy legal contract you didn’t fully read? Or have you every read a contract you didn’t fully understand? Contract review is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process for everyone concerned — including contract attorneys. Help is on the way. IBM researchers are exploring ways for AI to make tedious tasks like contract review easier, faster, and more accurate.

Imperial College London and Coursera Announce New Online Master’s Degrees in Machine Learning

Imperial College London, a globally ranked top 10 university, today announced an online MSc in Machine Learning on Coursera, a leading online learning platform. This is a new online master’s degrees in machine learning and will help students pursue the most advanced engineering roles in artificial intelligence (AI), data science, machine learning, bioinformatics, and more.

Interview: Rafael Irizarry, Professor of Biostatistics at Harvard University

I recently caught up with Rafael (Rafa) Irizarry, Professor of Biostatistics with the T.H. Chan School of Public Health at Harvard University to hear his unique perspective as an edX instructor regarding the rising demand for data scientists across most industries.

Parallel Storage Fuels Groundbreaking Neuroscience and Behavioral Research at Harvard

To alleviate bottlenecks and achieve the ideal balance of parallel performance and optimized availability, Harvard University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences Research Computing (FASRC) deployed the DataDirect Networks (DDN®) GRIDScaler® GS7KX® parallel file system appliance with 1PB of storage. The installation has sped the collection of images detailing synaptic connectivity in the brain’s cerebral cortex.

The Future of AI and Education

In this contributed article, freelance human Avery Phillips discusses the practical uses of AI in the education industry as well as an assessment of AI’s role in current and future educational activities. Education professionals are taking on the task to implement AI into operations, and finding it to be quite beneficial.

Big Data Meets HPC – Exploiting HPC Technologies for Accelerating Big Data Processing

DK Panda from Ohio State University gave this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. “This talk will provide an overview of challenges in accelerating Hadoop, Spark and Memcached on modern HPC clusters. An overview of RDMA-based designs for Hadoop (HDFS, MapReduce, RPC and HBase), Spark, Memcached, Swift, and Kafka using native RDMA support for InfiniBand and RoCE will be presented.”

Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Higher Education’s Response

Northeastern University and Gallup just released a fascinating new survey that gauges public perceptions about artificial intelligence (AI) titled, “Optimism and Anxiety: Views on the Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Higher Education’s Response.” Taken together, the results appear to be a wake-up call for higher education. Colleges and universities will have to adapt by designing a 21st century curriculum that empowers humans to become “robot-proof.”