Event Information:
Tue09Apr2024Wed10Apr2024Hyatt Regency in Reston, Virginia
Join us for our 84th HPC User Forum April 9-10 at the Hyatt Regency in Reston, Virginia. We have an exciting lineup of speakers and topics covering insights and best-practices from end users across industry, government, and academia. Our agenda includes talks on USG programs supporting HPC, AI, and QC, HPC and AI in industry, diversity in HPC, new directions in AI and LLMs, HPC site updates, future technologies, cloud for HPC and AI workloads, QC overview, and recent Hyperion Research market trends. The HPC User Forum, established in 1999, is a great way to connect with the HPC community. Our mission is to promote the health of the global HPC industry and address issues of common concern to users.
Register to attend today!