The Exascale Report™ joins insideHPC Media

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ExaLogo2-280x165Our parent company, insideHPC Media, has completed the acquisition of the assets of The Exascale Report™. Founded in 2010, The Exascale report is a subscription-based newsletter covering the topic of exascale-level computation and the race to achieve the next big milestone in scientific and technical computing.

Discussions around exaFLOPS and exascale-class systems are steadily increasing,” said Rich Brueckner, President of insideHPC Media. “The Exascale Report acquisition gives us an easily recognizable portal that will serve as the primary channel of exascale-related content as we move toward the end of the decade and the realization of exascale-level computation. We have big plans for this portal which we will be announcing soon.”

About Inside HPC Media

InsideHPC Media operates insideHPCinsideAI News, and The Exascale Report. insideHPC’s crisp, uncluttered style and filtered, short format news site has grown steadily since it was launched in 2006. Today, it is one of the most popular news and information portals for stakeholders interested in High Performance Computing, supercomputing, and emerging high-end computing technologies. insideAI News was launched in 2011 as a big data news and strategy website for IT, Business and Data professionals.

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