Book Excerpt: Data, Technology, and Algorithms

The following is excerpted from Data Rules: Reinventing the Market Economy by Cristina Alaimo and Jannis Kallinikos. Reprinted with permission from The MIT Press. Copyright 2024.

Book Excerpt: Minding the Machines

The following article is an excerpt from the new book Minding the Machines: Building and Leading Data Science and Analytics Teams by AI and analytics strategy expert Jeremy Adamson, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Organize, plan, and build an exceptional data analytics team within your organization

Book Excerpt: Real World AI

This article was adapted from the recently released best-selling book, Real World AI, written by Alyssa Rochwerger and Wilson Pang. Alyssa is the director of product at Blue Shield of California and has previously served as VP of product for Figure Eight (acquired by Appen), VP of AI and data at Appen, and director of product at IBM Watson. Wilson is the CTO of Appen and has over nineteen years’ experience in software engineering and data science, having served as the chief data officer of Ctrip and the senior director of engineering at eBay.