insideAI News Guide to Big Data for Finance

White Papers > Analytics > insideAI News Guide to Big Data for Finance

The goal for this insideAI News technology guide, co-sponsored by Dell Technologies, and AMD is to provide direction for enterprise  thought leaders on ways of leveraging big `data technologies in support of analytics  proficiencies designed to work more independently and effectively across a few distinct areas in today’s financial service institutions (FSI) climate: (i) Retail Banking; (ii) Regulatory and Compliance, (iii) Algorithmic Trading; and (iv) Security Considerations.

With mounting regulations, customer expectations and disruptors around every corner, FSIs  will need to embrace digital transformation to prosper and stay competitive. FSIs recognize  the power of technology to shape their futures, and CIOs now drive a large part of the  company strategy. This new generation of FSI IT leaders are seeking to securely and rapidly  enhance their digital capabilities to reduce costs, grow share and provide better customer experiences.


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