Webinar: Using Third-party Healthcare Data to Accelerate Drug Discovery and Clinical Trial Protocol Design

[SPONSORED CONTENT] In this virtual session, AWS Data Exchange will host a panel discussion with thought-leaders from healthcare powerhouse companies like QIAGEN and IBM Watson Health. Learn about the critical role third-party datasets have played in the evolution of the healthcare and life sciences industry. FRIDAY, AUGUST 27 at 11AM PT | 2PM ET

Research Highlights: ExBERT

In the insideAI News Research Highlights column we take a look at new and upcoming results from the research community for data science, machine learning, AI and deep learning. Our readers need to get a glimpse for technology coming down the pipeline that will make their efforts more strategic and competitive. In this installment we review a new paper: EXBERT: A Visual Analysis Tool to Explore Learned Representations in Transformers Models by researchers from the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab and Harvard.